Now maybe you are thinking, Taylor, you have been in Ecuador over 5 months now and you still don’t why you are there? Well, yes that is partially true. But that is why I have faith. I have faith that God has me here for a reason, but quite honesty that reason hasn’t exactly just hit me over the head or anything. I feel that I do need to be conscious of the ways in which I am developing and growing, but also simply have faith that in the end God does have a plan me for this year and onward.
To start, why did I come here in the first place?
I came because I really felt called/ felt right about returning to this lovely country that has given me so much joy and wonderful memories. The spring of 2008 was maybe the best 5 months of my life…I came into study abroad totally unsure what to expect, very nervous, but excited to immerse myself into a totally new place. I lived with an amazing family (that I still see about monthly), met great friends, and felt so free being adventurous, traveling all over the country. During study abroad, I also worked here at the Working Boys’ Center 3 mornings a week in special ed, which I also enjoyed as everyday I felt so loved just showing up. After leaving Ecuador, I spent 3 months in Juarez, Mexico and then returned to Madison. All along really feeling a strong passion to serve under privileged youth in our own country. I truly feel that there is such a great need within our own neighborhoods, and there is such great opportunity surrounding a lot of American youth although so many factors beyond their control pulling them down exist too. Okay, from that side note though, why again did I come to Ecuador if I am passionate about serving our neighborhood youth? After all, the Bible does say to serve your neighbor. Well, last spring I started praying about it a lot as I was really considering what I would do after I graduated. I had all plans to get a paying job and was applying for jobs and doing interviews, but then all of the sudden it started coming up over and over in my prayers to return to Ecuador. I thought I was crazy though, until I finally mentioned this to my mom. To my great surprise, she responded that this idea of going to Ecuador just felt right to her as well. When she said that, I really took volunteering here seriously and looked more into it. I decided that I would stop volunteering at the Boys and Girls Club and (finally) become staff for the summer to make money until I would leave for Quito in August. So I reconciled the idea that as the Lord talks about our neighbors, he doesn’t just mean Americans, but also he means the neighbors, the people that poured into me during study abroad, that are in Ecuador. And I arrived in Ecuador, ready to start fresh again.
Second, what am I questioning?
I question constantly if am I really doing the best that I can do and showing the love of Jesus to my community. For one, although I speak decent Spanish, it is definitely a lot more difficult to have a serious conversation in my second language. As I have become closer to Ecuadorians, I have tried to explain my values, understand their values, and I feel like I am succeeding partially, but also I don’t know how much gets lost in translation. In addition, I am finding language is one thing, but culture is another thing. I understand more or less most of what is said now, but I am still very often times confused. I get frustrated about things that I probably shouldn’t take personally, and in addition know that I often times act in a culturally insensitive way. God definitely works through our human imperfections though! I also work and live in a Catholic community in which often times I don’t feel completely spiritually filled, but am also growing in knowing that we all love and worship the same God and Jesus Christ. Finally, I am teaching most of the day. What? I am a teacher. Well I don’t know if this is exactly my calling. I want so much for my students to succeed and to understand what I am teaching, but I feel that I often times let them down. After 18 years of schooling, I’ve had plenty of teachers that I know what kind of things that I enjoyed and what things drove me crazy. I know I can be that boring teacher, I wish I were more animated, I wish I knew how to integrate “real life” (why does this matter?) in my classes more. I definitely need to rely on God to reach my students in my weakness. It is hard for me to completely let go, however, and often I still try to go on and do it on my own. I also want to continue to grow in my relationships with the volunteer community. I am still having trouble knowing how to best serve and be Christ to each one of them. It has been hard having some trouble connecting with the group that I am also the closest too, but I pray for strength to not give up.
So, why am I here?
I am here to be Christ’s servant. I am here because beyond my plans, I am presented daily ways to be Christ to those around me. As well as being a witness to God’s love and protection for me as His daughter. I am here because when I get 20 hugs as I enter La Marin at night or hear my teenagers and 1st graders yell my name, I feel loved in a way I’ve never felt before. I am here because I trust that God will grow me here in Ecuador to serve my community wherever I go next. I am here because when I feel weak, I have no choice but to trust that God will make things happen. I am here to learn, to experience life, to live life to it’s fullest and give it everything I’ve got. I am going to question, because that’s just the way I am, but I hope to continue to find peace as well. I am here as a part of my life, not as an in between or a time of “not knowing what I am doing with my life.” This IS my “real life,” and I can’t wait to see how the Lord continues to work in me and through me as I continue on.
Thank you all for your prayers and support through this journey of mine. Life is great!
<3 Taylor