Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hold on one second (or week)...

Well sorry it's been a while... sometimes God just says hold on one second and wants you to get your priorities in order I guess. Last week I had a tough week physically, but I think it got me more mentally prepared to be here.

I unfortunately broke my computer two Sundays ago, which was definitely a disappointment. It's been amazing the support and tireless work that Madre Cindy, Hugo, and German have put into getting me a new hard drive and trying to get everything all set up for me. There are just a couple more little things to get figured out and programs to download....and my computer is up and running better than before! What a great example to me of good Christian people that put their work and parts of their lives on hold to help me out without getting anything in return.

Also last week I had the pleasure of having bed bugs! All I ever had heard of beg bugs before last week was the saying my dad always told me before bed: Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite! I have gotten rid of my comforter now though and doused my room with Raid and I've slept so much better. It definitely made last week more challenging without much sleep, but knowing the situation I recognized where I needed to be more conscious about my attitude and actions. Prayer definitely helped!

This week has just felt awesome with everything going smoothly. And to make it even better I got to see my first football game since I've been here! What a ridiculous game!?! I still can't figure out why the Pack didn't take Brett back ;) I'm a Packer fan all the way though, so that was a tough game to watch, but still watching football just made my week! Tomorrow is the end of our week as there is a holiday on Friday, so I will be leaving Quito for the long weekend for Banos. I am excited to get out and into the fresh air!

Drink some hot chocolate (with peppermint if you can) to stay warm in Wisconsin!
Much love, Taylor

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